Who Are These Idiots?
From an article about Intelligent Design getting blasted in a Natural History Museum. (Sure, I know it appears that I blast Intelligent Design every chance I get - this is pretty accurate - but I was more interested in the following points):
I'm particularly stunned by the first statement. Isn't it pointed out to every single child in America, at least 90 to 900 times, by teachers, peers, and parents, Sesame Street, somebody, that the freaking sun only LOOKS like it's rising and falling??
How many times in the 18 long years between birth and adulthood does an American person hear the simple fact that the earth goes around the sun? How many mobiles do you see, cartoons, drawings, TV shows, etc etc, to not even mention, maybe, school!?
1 in 5 adults still thinks the sun circles the earth?
Holy crap.
Read The Rest HERE
"1 adult American in five believes that the Sun revolves around Earth, according to one study carried out last summer.
80 per cent of Americans surveyed by the CNN TV news network believe that their government is hiding evidence of the existence of space aliens.
70 per cent believe it likely that Saddam Hussein was involved personally in the 9/11 terrorist attacks."
I'm particularly stunned by the first statement. Isn't it pointed out to every single child in America, at least 90 to 900 times, by teachers, peers, and parents, Sesame Street, somebody, that the freaking sun only LOOKS like it's rising and falling??
How many times in the 18 long years between birth and adulthood does an American person hear the simple fact that the earth goes around the sun? How many mobiles do you see, cartoons, drawings, TV shows, etc etc, to not even mention, maybe, school!?
1 in 5 adults still thinks the sun circles the earth?
Holy crap.
Read The Rest HERE